Nigel's FIV and suspected triaditis
May 19, 2022
Nigel came to see us in October 2021 as an emergency for further investigation and treatment of a one-week history of lethargy, anorexia and pyrexia. He was diagnosed with pancreatitis and treated symptomatically by his referring vets but failed to respond to treatment.
We diagnosed him with Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and suspected triaditis (inflammatory diseases concurrently in the liver, pancreas and small intestine) and continued his treatment, including placing a feeding tube.
Nigel was started on steroids and hospitalised with us for a week before he was moved home to continue recuperating. He slowly improved and we were able to withdraw his medications and remove his feeding tube.
Six months on, Nigel can now be seen enjoying the sun in the garden. We are so pleased to see Nigel doing so well!
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