Diagnostic Imaging
When your pet is referred to us, it’s often the case that an X-ray or scan will help us diagnose their condition and move more swiftly on to recommending and providing the most appropriate treatment. Through our Diagnostic Imaging service, we obtain images to support our clinicians in finding out the root causes of medical and surgical conditions. It’s all a vital part of our commitment to providing the best possible care for you and your pet.
Experience and expertise
The highly-skilled Diagnostic Imaging team at Southfields Veterinary Specialists provide imaging support – X-rays, CT, MRI and ultrasound – to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of conditions. With experience and expertise in all types of imaging, using the most advanced imaging equipment, we make sure that no time is ever wasted in delivering the care your pet needs.
Our Team includes dedicated diagnostic imaging nurses who are highly trained in performing basic and advanced diagnostic imaging procedures from general radiographs to advanced imaging, such as CT and fluoroscopy studies. They will also ensure your pet is supported and comforted throughout all diagnostic tests.
Informed decisions
All our imaging equipment is located on our premises. You won’t need to travel elsewhere for tests, and the experience becomes less stressful for your pet. We can accommodate any and every imaging requirement, for any area of the body. With our ultrasound systems, we can monitor the way blood flows through the heart and look closely at the internal structure of abdominal organs.
From simple chest X-rays through to a detailed analysis of the brain and spinal cord using our MRI and CT scanners, we can pinpoint the case no matter where it lies. By knowing exactly what’s happening, and where, we are able to make informed decisions and help you understand every action we propose to take.
How our Diagnostic Imaging Service can help
Advanced clinical services include
- Complete interpretation at the time of imaging
- Adaptation of imaging according to findings, using specific targeted sequences and ensuring that unexpected findings are promptly investigated as well as reducing imaging times
- On-site NHS trained radiographer, providing the highest quality images and reduced patient imaging times
- Fixed pricing for routine diagnostic procedures – please contact us for further information
Cutting-edge Diagnostics Suite featuring:
- High-field Siemens Magnetom Sola MRI scanner (1.5 Tesla)
- Multislice Siemens Somatom go.all CT scanner (64-slice configuration)
- Combined digital radiography and fluoroscopy
- Fluoroscopy unit for contrast studies and interventional procedures (C-Arm)
- Video Endoscopy
- Imaging reading room
- Room for patient preparation and recovery
X-ray and ultrasound facilities include
- Two X-ray rooms
- Mobile X-ray
- Orthopaedic x-rays assessed free of charge ahead of a potential referral
- Two ultrasound rooms
- Cardiology room with cardiology Vivid E95 ultrasound machine
- Portable ultrasound for critical patients
Our Diagnostic Imaging Team
We work alongside the clinical teams at Southfields to make sure they have the information they need, when they need it; enabling them to diagnose a pet’s condition quickly, efficiently, and with absolute minimal stress for your pet. Our team includes expert Diagnostic Imaging clinicians and nurses. Our diagnostic imaging nurses are highly experienced in operating and performing diagnostic imaging studies and will be there to nurse and support your pet throughout the entire diagnostic process.
"To all who have taken care of Muddy during his cancer treatment and operations, you provide amazing life care for our beloved pets."