Client Care
If your pet has been referred to us for Specialist treatment, we understand your concern and our focus is very much on making your time with us as reassuring and comforting as we can. Our Client Care team will guide you through what’s involved; from appointment bookings, to gathering the information we need from your vet, helping with insurance matters, and keeping your vet updated.
Our Client Care team are always ready to answer any questions you may have about the referral process and your pet’s treatment. You’ll find some useful information to help you in the section below.
There is also a wide selection of Fact Sheets and Case Studies covering some of the conditions referred to us at the links below.
Useful information for pet owners
What to expect when you are referred
More information about Southfields
Finance and Insurance information
Our Client Care Team
Our Client Care team are former veterinary nurses and dedicated professionals with previous veterinary or medical administration experience. They’re here to help pet owners and referring vets through every step of your pet’s time in our care. They’ll keep you informed and are happy to help at any time with any questions you may have.
"From referral to insurance claim forms the staff have been informative and helpful, with a clear plan of treatment, honest, compassionate and caring towards us and our dog, Ruby."