Living With
A Blind Dog
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It can be difficult when your dog goes blind, but to help with their adaption they rely heavily on their sense of smell and hearing. Different dogs will have different coping mechanisms but there are a number of ways you can help them adapt to their new way of life.
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Tips and suggestions
- Keep to your dogs’ normal routine
- Use toys and boredom breakers that engage your dogs’ hearing and sense of smell
- Avoid moving furniture as much as possible, this will make it easier for them to navigate as your dog will remember the orientation of your house
- Look at your home surroundings, especially your dog’s eye level to remove anything that could be dangerous
- Mark areas of importance with different floor textures e.g. the top of steps
- Talk to your dog as you approach them, this will allow them to know you are there
- Teach your dog commands such as ‘stop’, ‘step up’, and ‘step down’ etc. to help them navigate
- Having another dog can act as a ‘guide dog’
- You can get a small bell to put in your pocket so your dog can hear where you are in the house and out on walks
- Leave a TV or radio playing softly, the sound is soothing and may help prevent excess barking and anxiety
- To help with any anxiety dog pheromone diffusers or collars can help e.g Adaptil
- If you have a smaller dog, avoid picking him/her up to “help” them get to other areas of the house. This often leads to confusion
- Eye protection ‘dog goggles’ can be useful when in the garden/on walks to protect the eyes from hazards such as low branches and bushes
- You can also purchase “I’m blind” or “blind dog” collars, harnesses, bandanas and leads to let other people know when you are out and about
If you have any questions or additional advice contact us at: [email protected]