Southfields vet Oliver wins Pride of Essex Award
November 29, 2021
A popular vet at one of the country’s leading referral centres has received a top regional award in recognition of his outstanding commitment to the health and welfare of animals.
Oliver Marsh, a resident neurologist at the Linnaeus-owned Southfields Veterinary Specialists in Laindon, has been voted in the top 10 of the prestigious Pride of Essex ‘Unsung Hero’ awards.
Delighted colleagues at Southfields surprised him with the news in an impromptu ceremony during the usual morning rounds at the practice and Oliver admits the whole thing has left him feeling both honoured and humbled.
He explained: “The first I knew was when Fabio made the announcement during morning rounds, when we are usually discussing cases and how to organise the day. Then my wife Eleanor appeared from around the corner where she had been hiding to present me with a little trophy. I felt very emotional, humbled and a bit overwhelmed. I was really honoured that people felt I deserved this nomination.”
In making the announcement, close colleague Fabio Stabile, an RCVS and European specialist in Neurology, said: “It is with enormous pleasure and pride I announce to everyone that our Oliver Marsh has been voted amongst the top 10 Unsung Heroes of the Pride of Essex Awards from hundreds of nominations. Oliver was nominated for his hard work and great commitment to the health and welfare of animals. He has been particularly appreciated by the judging commission for making a real difference in the life of pets and their owners because of his caring professional behaviour and for always putting the needs of his clients and patients before himself. Congratulations, Oliver, for this incredible achievement. You deserve it. Well done!”
Oliver, who joined Southfields in January 2020, says the award and announcement are lovely gestures.
He said: “All I try to do is give patients the care I would want them to receive if they were my own pet. I also always try to communicate as clearly and empathetically as possible with their owners. I am just one of a huge number of people in the veterinary profession, at all levels, and across the country, who are always striving to make animals under their care their first priority.”
He also revealed how he’s thrived as part of the expert team at Southfields and the practice’s focus on providing the very best of care and treatment to their patients.
Oliver concluded: “The great thing about Southfields is the camaraderie, team spirit and support from colleagues, both within the Neurology service and the practice overall. We’re all working towards the same goal of continuously improving the level of care we give to our patients and the service we provide to their owners.”
Southfields, which is moving to a state-of-the-art new £16 million site in Basildon, Essex, next year, offers a range of specialist-led services including Anaesthesia and Analgesia, Cardiology, Dermatology, Exotics, Internal Medicine, Neurology, Oncology, Radiotherapy, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics and Soft Tissue Surgery.
Click here to find out more about Oliver and our Neurology service at Southfields.
For more information, on our new hospital – click here.