Meet Carbon

Isabel Calvo
Internal Medicine Resident
Carbon is a 4-year-old domestic short hair cat and belongs to Isabel Calvo, our Internal Medicine Resident. Isabel has had Carbon since birth where he was rescued.
Carbon and Cosmo (his brother) were rescued when they were 3 days old as their mom was missing for days. Isabel and her partner took Carbon and Cosmo and looked after them. Two weeks after rescued them Carbon got very sick. After intensive nursing and treatment, he managed to get through the disease. Isabel said “We are really lucky to have them both in our life. They bring unconditional love and companionship to our life.”
Carbons favourite toy is a little fabric mouse, and he loves cheesy Doritos! He tries to steal a bag when he has a chance.
Carbon loves sunny days and sunbathing. He can open doors to escape to play in the garden.