Rescue pets have changed my life for the better
January 21, 2022

As we continue with our Change A Pet’s Life Day series, here Patient Care Assistant Megan Sullivan tells of the story of her adopted pets. Over to you, Megan!
“I have many rescue pets with additional needs and disabilities.
“Django was found eating out of bins and living in a pile of boxes behind my garden. When she came to me, she had the worst case of worms that I have ever seen!
“After vet checks, she was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease and hyperthyroidism, for which she needs daily medication and regular vet appointments. She is estimated to be about seven or eight years old. She is an incredibly placid and loving cat, and does not know the definition of personal space!
“She has formed a very close bond with one of the other cats, Mici, and can often be found snuggling up to her and grooming her.
“Mici was originally left in my care for pet sitting whilst her owner worked away from home. However, her owner never returned to collect her!
“Mici’s backstory is very sad. She originally came from Italy and before she was adopted by her previous owner, she was the victim of serious abuse. Due to this, she sustained an untreated break to her front leg, facial fractures and a ruptured eyeball.
“Her front leg has healed in a ‘hook’ shape, but we have been advised that she does not need to have it amputated as she still uses it in her daily life. Her eye was previously removed by a vet before she came into my care, however, there was a small amount of tissue remaining which recently detached, meaning that she had to undergo surgery on her eye to remove the remaining parts.
“She is recovering well and still looks cute with her scar! She is very naughty indeed and we have to keep all of our food hidden from her as she uses her wonky leg to scoop up food and get into things that she shouldn’t! She is full of energy and charisma and is always getting into mischief.
“Another of my adopted cats is Mew, who was found as a stray kitten in the back garden of my family home with her two sisters who have now gone to other homes. She has behavioural issues but is a very sweet cat who goes crazy for food and likes to talk to the spiders on the ceiling!
“Meanwhile, Wozzle is a four-year-old black headed caique parrot. He was put into rescue due to his extreme behavioural difficulties.
“Wozzle is very selective and will attack anybody apart from myself and my partner. He is, however, an incredibly intelligent, charming, humorous and loving little parrot once you get to know him.
“I have taught him to communicate with cue cards and he can tell me his likes and dislikes, what he would like to eat for breakfast and what activities he would like to do. Wozzle has learned about different genres of music, and can ask to listen to whatever he chooses!
“He also has many books and can pick out the characters from all of his books. We often take him outside on his harness and he tells us that being outdoors is his ‘favourite’!
“He enjoys going to the beach and the park, along with saying hello to people in the corner shop (from a distance!). He is spoiled and has a room for himself, complete with lots of toys and a handmade parrot tree, which he flies freely in. Most of all, he loves snuggling under our pyjamas in the evening.
“Finally, Biscuit is a leucistic axolotl. She has short toe syndrome, which sadly limits her life expectancy. However, she is currently five years old and still appears to be happy and thriving. We are making the most of having her in our lives whilst we can.
“I have volunteered for my amazing local parrot rescue (Falling Feathers Rescue), which is where I adopted Wozzle from. I also raise money for them by selling jewellery and crafts which I make in my spare time.
“Rescue pets can be extremely rewarding companions and mine have changed my life for the better in so many ways. They can give you great comfort and companionship when things are difficult and give back so much love. Rescuing was the best decision I could have made.
“However, I want to emphasise that many rescue animals come with baggage in the form of trauma, difficult behavioural issues or physical health problems.
“Rescue and adoption are so worth it but you must be prepared to provide and care for your pet. Do lots of research and reach out to those who have experience with rescue animals for advice. This is especially important for exotic pets who tend to have much higher care requirements and display more complex behavioural issues in captivity.
“Treat welcoming a new pet into your family as you would welcoming a baby because rescue animals deserve stability and love unconditionally.
“If you’re willing to do this, then adopting will be the best decision you will ever make and will provide you with a companion for life.”
To read more about our team’s pets and their rescues click here!