World-Renowned Neurologist Joins Southfields!

January 1, 2020

A world-renowned specialist in neurology and neurosurgery is joining Southfields Veterinary Specialists, a leading referral centre in Essex.

The highly-experienced Dr Ane Uriarte, who is currently an assistant professor at the prestigious Tufts University in Boston, USA, will join Southfields in April 2020.

Dr Uriarte has been appointed head of neurology and neurosurgery at the multidisciplinary referral centre, which is part of Linnaeus.

Henry L’Eplattenier, clinical director at Southfields, said: “We’re absolutely delighted Dr Uriarte has agreed to join the team.

“She is a very talented neurologist with a passion for neuro-oncology and will bring a wealth of experience and knowledge, which will benefit our world-class team.”

Dr Uriarte added: “I’m thrilled for the opportunity of leading the Neurology service of such an outstanding hospital.

“Pets are part of our family and having a neurological disorder can be devastation. I’m committed and looking forward to helping referring veterinarians and owners in such circumstances.”

Dr Uriarte’s research interests are in surgical correction of neurological diseases leading to chronic pain and epilepsy. Dr Uriarte has developed an international database and phone application in canine epilepsy to help dogs and owners affected by this disease.

She began her veterinary studies in her native Spain before transferring to the Veterinary School of Paris (Ecole National Veterinaire d’Alfort) where she went on to complete a three-year European residency in Neurology.

Dr Uriarte, who speaks five languages, then moved to the UK, where she spent eight years working as a neurology-neurosurgery specialist.

The USA became the fourth country of her career as she joined Tufts University, where she trained students, interns and residents and continued her passion for research.

Her return to the UK coincides with Southfields set to significantly expand and grow their facilities and services.

Southfields boasts a world-class staff and state-of-the-art surgical facilities with specialist services in anaesthesia and analgesia, cardiology, dermatology, diagnostic imaging, internal medicine, neurology, oncology, orthopaedics, radiation and soft tissue surgery.